Now that you and that hot guy from your gym had a fantastic first date, sometimes it’s hard to know how to handle the next steps of texting. You’re going to want to bone up – no pun intended! – on the new relationship texting etiquette. It’s the only way to make sure that you’re not committing a faux pas or coming across like a creep.
Don’t text if you’re drunk, upset or super-sick
The last thing you want to do in a new relationship is to screw it up because of some incoherent texts you send when you’re too tipsy to remember how to put your shoes on the right feet. The same restraint is also a good idea if you’re fighting the flu and your 103° fever is making your delirious. Strong emotions like anger – even if it’s not because of or directed toward your beau – could be a huge turn-off for a budding relationship that’s still new and fresh.
Dial down the enthusiasm
By this, we don’t mean to tamp down your feelings of affection, desire or carnal lust. Instead, you want to refrain from texting your new partner multiple times back-to-back without having yet received a response. Not only does this make you seem needy and desperate, but it may unintentionally come across as somewhat creepy. Don’t assume that you’re being intentionally ignored if you don’t hear back from him right away. A more likely scenario is that he is simply busy and will get back to you when they can.
Don’t sext too soon – but don’t wait too long to do it either!
There’s no hard-and-fast rule regarding sexting, but a little common sense can go a long way. If it’s just a hook-up that’s meant for instant gratification and nothing else, go ahead and sext away! (And if you need some inspiration, here’s 20 Sexts To Make Your Partner Want You Right Now.) On the other hand, if you’re looking for a long term relationship, it’s better to let the experience unfold organically. As you get to know him better, chances are your texts will become more intimate. As that intimacy grows, sexting is likely to follow.
Text only what you can say in person
This means that you don’t become a different persona once you start texting. Whatever you say to your new relationship partner via text should also be something that you’re comfortable with saying if you two were looking each other in the eyes. This doesn’t mean that you can’t be flirty with your potential significant other as long as you don’t overdo it. Don’t act like a wanton harlot over text messaging and then exude a prudish librarian persona when you are with them face to face.
Of course, the above suggestions are just that: tips to help you navigate the sometimes-confounding world of relationships. Just be sure to not overanalyze texting too much because doing so can make it easy to lose the heart of the matter. Dating should be fun – not stressful or overbearing.
You might also be interested in: How to Keep Your Naughty Texts and Photos Private

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Advices provided in this blog post are true and valuable. Don’t forget about them when you are drunk 😉