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In today’s restricted social media world, businesses and content creators that provide sexual wellness and pleasure products and services are faced with the fact that the visibility they once enjoyed has waned and continues to wain. For many of us this means that the profits we count on for business solvency are harder and harder to achieve.
Here we will dive deeper into how these shadow bans and account restrictions are hindering content creators revenues and businesses, what they should know and how they can regain control over their profits and visibility by utilizing PleazeMe’s eco-system as a hub for their business and marketing needs.
Why are the restrictions and bans getting worse on social media?
In a word, FOSTA/SESTA and pending new legislation that is making internet providers liable for the user generated content that is uploaded to their platforms. There has been a strong push for less freedom and more restrictions starting with the internet in March 2018- Feb 2020 and since March 2020 it extended out into our physical lives. Countries like Australia and the UK to name a few have been severely restricted in their movements, liberties and personal autonomy. In the USA our constitutional rights are being challenged at every turn. In my estimation their concern for our sexual freedom online is not at the top of their priority list, at the government or at FB, Google, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube or SnapChat. The government is pushing for more monitoring and stricter guidelines for child internet safety and the other platforms have users aged 13 and up. So in combination it looks like more and more restrictions and de-platforming for adult content in favor of more monitoring and stricter guidelines for platforms that have children users. In addition, adult platforms who are not doing everything they can to ensure only legal content and only adult users on their sites will be at great financial and business risk due to regulatory fines or criminal and civil prosecution.
What is the real cost of these bans?
Reduced visibility or in the worst cases no visibility and reduced profitability or in the worst case no revenue for an undetermined amount of time depending on the platform and their policies for handling “bad actors” or “content that violates their ever changing ambiguously written TOS. You see they will always err on the side of caution which is why they leave everything subjective and up to their discretion. Leaving businesses in the wind and without recourse unless they chose to step up and address your account. For them it is simply business risk vs. reward and their business mission is not focused on sex and sexuality. They are focused on people broadcasting their opinions, dancing, expertise and celebrity. They want as many young people as possible because they are the target audience of many of the fortune 500 brands.
How does having a PleazeMe social channel benefit sexual wellness and pleasure businesses?
We are aligned in our missions and desire the freedom to be adults in an adult world. You will immediately feel the freedom to be your brand and to be proud of the products and services you provide. You will not have to self-censor in order to be on PleazeMe. As we launch our new content creator tools your followers will love the freedom to interact with you and access your sexy content they are no longer able to enjoy elsewhere!
What makes PleazeMe unique?
We utilize cutting edge technology to fuel our mission to increase the world’s happiness quotient and co-create a sex-positive world. We are dedicated to providing the tools necessary to run your entire business on PleazeMe. Consumers will love the private access to everything they need to support their intimate lives and relationships. We are a female founded social media company that believes in solutions vs. problems. PleazeMe’s leadership is dedicated to creating more diversity, equality and inclusivity in the world.
Love wins!
Not a Channel Yet? Apply to become a Channel here!
Read more in this series (5 more Videos):
- Banking & Business Service Challenges For Adult Apps, Sites & Brands (Video)
- Marketing and Advertising Restrictions For Sexual Wellness & Pleasure Brands (Video)
- Internet Data & Privacy Is Changing in 2022 (Video)
- Sexual Wellness Has Business & Social Impact (Video)
- Million Member Movement: Adult Pleasure Industry Regulations, Restrictions & Compliance (Video)

Have you checked out It is a social media platform where adults can be adults. We created the 7 Worlds of PleazeMe so that every person would have a place to privately explore their sexuality with like-minded people.
We believe in love, sexuality, and the power of inclusion. People of all shapes and sizes, colors and ethnicities, genders and sexualities are valuable and deserve to feel included. Everyone should have a safe place they can go to connect, discover and express themselves without fear of being judged, censored or discriminated against.
*This article may include affiliate links. This means we may make a commission when you purchase through the link, at no additional cost to you. All profits are put back into the platform to create more fun features and make it grow! We need YOUR help to continue our sex-positive mission! Thank you for supporting PleazeMe! You can find other ways to support PleazeMe at
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